Martial Arts TraininG

Ryan Payne

Sensei, Lantern Dojo

I am a 3rd degree black belt with 30 years of experience specifically in Goju-ryu karate, as well as exposure to other martial arts.

I’ve maintained my training over the years because it has been so useful to me outside of the dojo (training hall). It has challenged my mind and body and has helped me understand myself better over the years. I believe that studying karate is a personal journey and insight into yourself is the highest benefit of the martial arts. (Although the fitness, self-defense, and camaraderie benefits are great too!)

Because of this, I strongly believe in individual and small group training. It is the traditional model of karate training, and I believe one of the most effective, particularly as the student advances. Remember, you have to do the moves, no one can do karate for you. Personal attention from a qualified teacher is key to learning safely and effectively.

I am also a Certified Personal Trainer through ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine)* as part of my commitment to provide quality karate and fitness instruction to my students.

If you have the same interest in studying traditional martial arts, please contact me!

*Why ACSM? There are many fitness certifications offered by different organizations, but I chose ACSM because of its focus on evidence-based practices and its dedication to exercise research. I trust that the information I get from ACSM is well supported and it has deeply improved my understanding of karate training and techniques.